Interested in Epsilon Gamma Sigma?
Become a brother or get active and involved
Phi Beta Sigma is an organization consisting of collegiate and professional men throughout North America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. These seek to exemplify the high ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service. Membership into Sigma can be obtained in three ways:
Collegiate Membership
Enrollment At A Four-Year College Or University
At Least A 2.5 Grade Point Average. If the College/University requires a higher Grade Point Average, that Grade Point Average is the minimum.
A minimum of 12 credit hours
A History of Community Service
Professional, Detail Oriented, Eager To Work, Ready To Serve
Civic Minded
Payment of All Initiation Fees
Successful Completion Of The Membership Intake Process
All New Members MUST Join Through The Chapter At Their College Or University.
Alumni Membership
A minimum of 60 credit hours
A History of Community Service
Professional, Detail Oriented, Eager To Work, Ready To Serve
Civic Minded
Payment of All Initiation Fees
Successful Completion Of The Membership Intake Process
All New Members MUST Join Through An Alumni Chapter.
Associate Membership
Enrollment At A Four-Year College or University
At Least A 2.5 Grade Point Average. If the College/University requires a higher Grade Point Average, that Grade Point Average is the minimum. College or University must not have an active charter at that Institution
A minimum of 12 credit hours
Can only participate in membership intake through an Alumni Chapter
A History of Community Service
Professional, Detail Oriented, Eager To Work, Ready To Serve
Civic Minded
Payment of All Initiation Fees
Successful Completion Of The Membership Intake Process